Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Paralysis by Analysis

An election year can create all types of emotion within people....excitement, nervous anticipation, fear, anxiety....but it also puts many of us in information overload. Polls telling us what's important or who is telling the truth or how big of a difference the fluctuation in the Euro is affecting the price of milk in your refrigerator. Match that info with reports on Real Estate and foreclosure details and home sales in your zipcode and what's the result.....Paralysis by Analysis!!

What if it were really simple? What if your environment didn't include everyone else's opinion? Well, it can! Have you ever dreamed of how you would or could remodel your home? Do you have a "My Dream Home" board on Pinterest with all your favorite Pins?

The reality is that everyone dreams of what they would change about their home and everyone feels the impact of their environment, but RIGHT NOW is the best time to do something about it. Don't get bogged down with "what's the market saying" or "who is going to be elected". Take your vision, thoughts and dreams about your home and make them reality. In a year you will wish you had started it today and in a year it will cost more to create your get moving! Don't allow resistance to keep you staring at that ONE THING that you keep wanting to change about your Home.

Send me an email request today at and we will set up a meeting in the next week to start your plan. If you prefer to call, our number is 615.385.3210. Nashville is a great place to live, make your home the same way!!

The Broderick Builders Team

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